The photographer

Frédéric Demeuse’s photos are the expression of his unquenchable desire : to testify, to remember, and to share his encounters with the extraordinary diversity of our planet Earth. Frédéric is a dedicated naturalist and trained ornithologist (BirdID, Nord-Trøndelag University College, Norway) who took up photography at an early age. He has developed since a strong commitment to natural sciences with the desire to seek out and find the beauty created by the natural world in all its infinite richness and complexity. His first works emphasised the fragility and importance of local nature in human-dominated areas. Lately his photographic approach specializes in transcribing the vital energy, beauty and poetry of our world, from the most subtle details, majestic landscapes, to the remotest and still primary forests, through visual idealism with both revitalizing and resourcing purpose.

His images, inspired and driven by his passion for art, adventure and exploring, are the results of living dreams and pure curiosity. It is Frederic’s sincere hope that they may serve as a reminder of the importance of our relationship with the biosphere and that they may help in our collective maturation as a species soon.

Over the years he turned to develop a unique artistic approach centred on the revitalising energy of photography on human beings, bridging outdoors photography with the latest researchs in neuroscience. His fine art photography acquires a new dimension as it intends to interact with the human brain. To this aim, Frédéric selects carefully his scenes in order to restore the viewer’s inner peace, concentration and creativity.

Through his work and commitment, he wishes to be the interpreter of the forest and the living world, encouraging their understanding, a greater sense of our common responsibility, a stronger alliance between the natural world and human kind in the aim to convince that we should be more collectively aware of our status of a biological species totally bound to a complex and interconnected biological world and that our existence totally depends on it.

His work has won prestigious prizes in international competitions and he has published four books about the nature of his country, including « The Forest in Belgium ». Frédéric’s images are included in several collections of international institutions, have been showcased in galleries or used in publications worldwide.

He lives in Brussels, Belgium, with its partner Alice, he is the proud father of a little girl and the happy owner of a chocolate Lab named Cannelle!



His practice is guided by a strong belief that nature photography is the perfect synthesis between art and science. Photography exists in the moment yet demands patience without limits. The raison d’être of the images presented in this website has been to extract the beauty of our common essence from the chaos of this world in an artistically powerful way. Added to Frédéric’s fine art photography and his passion for the outdoors and the wild world, is his documentation of wildlife behaviours and habitats.

As an avid naturalist he likes to spend as much time as possible in the field, often far off the beaten path. This principle of immersion in the natural world is the key ingredient to convey the magic of the outdoors, absorbing its many moods and revealing its secret wonders. All of the images depicting wildlife are the result of a personal quest of completely wild subjects, and are therefore, with rare few exceptions such as chimpanzees, unconditionally self-found.

Photography is the pacific weapon he has chosen, a weapon which alone enables this sharing of the marvelling of a poet, the commitment of a naturalist, and the power of an idealist.

And finally, a photograph is only the visible part of the story. What is most important is to be out there, living every instant with the greatest intensity and sincerity.